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This is my Project Page.

It's where I share work I think its valuable for you to see, either because I'm really proud of it or because I have reflected on what went wrong with it. Either way my skills and abilities are on display here, and I encourage you to click through some of the work that interests you.

My GitHub may have some of the code for these projects, and my repo's can be found here.

I maintain this page with either passion projects or bits of work that I am allowed to share, so it should be considered as an example of what I am capable of.

Visualizing Wealth Movement and Currency Exchange

APIs, Python


This was my final project in my Principles of Cartography with Dr Hyowan Ban at CSULB. I found an API for - a financial data platform and I wanted to see what the movement of US dollars looked like during the end of the pandemic. Often the exchange rate is analyzed alone, but I wanted to look at volume of money. I wrote this code to fetch data of multiple currency pairs for a given length of time, and created the animation in ArcGIS Pro.

 I intend to revisit this multiple times, adding more currencies and maybe trying a different animation platform.


Using Machine Learning to detect homeless encampments outside the urban area in LA County

Remote Sensing

APIs, Python

in graduate school at Cal State Long Beach, the applied research project I worked on was a request from LA County to explore a remote sensing approach to solving a public health problem. The County's current methods of quantifying its homeless population rely on a time consuming boots on the ground method that only captures those encampments visible from the road. My team and I did research and built a proof of concept for a method involving an Imagery API, and open source Python tools to identify and locate tents.

Linked here is our story map explaining the project, but other examples caa be found on my GitHub, as well as in the CSULB Library of Theses.

lvp header_edited.png

LVP - Mid Semester presentation



This is a video I made describing our code during the planning stages of the project above. We did some proof of concept work in the Spring session that lead to our final product, and the feedback we received was critical to our success.

Here I describe the parts I was responsible for, and describe our thought process to our professors and classmates.

Wix is a strange platform, the video is on the left <---


Field Maps/Survey123

Data Colletion


Many projects start with information gathering and site assessment. Having good methods, standards, and procedures that are repeatable but also known within the company are an important part of project management.

At Joel Gott Wines, I am proud of the work I did transitioning the company from the industry-standard paper maps and data collection, to a mostly-digital Field Maps and Survey123 setup. The full time employees benefited from a dynamic and versatile map, while seasonal employees had a searchable, navigable map of our properties.

We struggled with cell service at some properties and I did my best to accommodate offline services, but overall the digital map is widely used by the company.



Data Viz

Graphic  Journalism

Lately I've been toying with the idea of graphic journalism and data visualization as a career. I enjoy the process of seeking understanding, and then sharing my experience with others and that field seems to fit the idea. Cartography and map making is the process of discovering the shape of the world and its contents, and as I get older, it gets easier understand the world but harder to keep up to date with it.

Preparing myself for a (potential) career change I found that many publications use Datawrapper to quickly create graphics - here is a simple map I made after poking around on the website.

Datawrapper is available for free to the public on browser, and there is an API to explore as well.



Data Viz

Graphic  Journalism

Another Datawrapper map, this one is an interactive map that you can zoom, pan, and when hovering over a county more information is shown. Great for being on a computer, not great for mobile, as you sort of need a mouse for this one.

Check it out for yourself here.

Datawrapper is available for free to the public on browser, and there is an API to explore as well.


Gallery of Work

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