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My Qualifications

GIS Analyst
Stantec Consulting

2022- Current

Working on a team of experienced data wranglers, I support a team focused on permits and contracts for large scale construction projects including power generation, fiber optic lines, and resource extraction in various states in the US. Figures include NEPA permits, biologic and environment surveys, pre and post construction wildlife monitoring.

GIS Database Admin,
Joel Gott Wines

2019 - 2022

Manage an enterprise ArcGIS deployment serving maps to mobile devices, and producing a variety of content for management. Working with Python in Arc Desktop and ArcGISPro, Microsoft Azure

GIS Analyst,
Apple Maps, Inc

2017 - 2019

Worked in various roles as a GIS Analyst on the version of Apple Maps that was published in 2020. Most notably: assisted machine learning experts in validating proof-of-concept work for automated map improvement, team lead approving geospatial tool development workflow for Apple developers in an Agile environment.

Engineering Intern - City of Morro Bay

Assisted city engineers planning capital projects, creating maps, providing data, and monitoring city infrastructure through GIS tools.  

2013 -2014


My Studies

M.S. Geographic Information Sciences,
CSU Long Beach

Graduate degree in GIS focusing on Remote Sensing, Cartography, GIS database management, computer programming (Python, SQL), and more. Applied research project focused on image classification in Python for the County of Los Angeles.

August 2021 - August 2022

B.S. Engineering
Cal Polytechnic San Luis Obispo

Undergraduate degree in General Engineering with a focus in Civil Engineering and Water Resources.

September 2008- June 2013

Minor: Geography and Anthropology,
Cal Polytechnic San Luis Obispo

Minor in geography and anthropology. This was my first introduction the principles and practices of geospatial technology. I found it complemented my AutoCAD skills very well, and eventually I found myself enjoying the larger scale of the GIS maps than the AutoCAD drawings.

Sept 2010 - June 2013


Listed below are core skills I've worked on and demonstrated in the workplace, learned from my education, or developed in other areas of my background. These are skills and proficiencies I'd like you to consider when working with me.

  • Geoprocessing in ArcPy

  • Data communication via graphics and reports

  • Data engineering in SQL and Python

  • Data Visualization in GeoDa and Esri products

  • Database Management and Administration

  • Statistics and basic Data Science

  • Remote Sensing technologies - satellites, aerial, drones

  • Manipulating Remote Sensing data

  • Machine Learning and Image Processing in Python

  • Publishing Maps to web and mobile platforms


ArcGIS Enterprise Database Architecture/Management

I have 7 years experience working in the Esri Environment, and have been fortunate to be trained by some highly skilled professionals. The industry is always improving and I'm working to keep up with best-practices, but I'm confident I can lead us in the right direction for your needs.


Cartographic Design and Scientific Communication

Conveying complex information graphically is an art and science. I try to grow awareness of the principles of graphic literacy, or 'graphicacy',  in the places I work.

Reports, images, and charts are included in this category alongside maps and other visual products.


Multi-disciplinary Experience

The range of industries that have informed my experiences include agriculture, alc-bev, software development, civil engineering, construction, manufacturing, graphic design, and communication. The deep pool of experiences I have provides valuable perspective that I draw on to make sound judgement.

Gallery of Work


California, USA

Thanks for submitting!


"The real cycle you're working on is a cycle called yourself. The machine that appears to be "out there" and the person that appears to be "in here" are not two separate things.They grow toward quality or fall away from quality together."

Robert M Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

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